
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Autumn And Bears

There is a pleasant sort of stillness that seems to fall over my life as Autumn settles in. It strikes a strong whimsy chord in me, and I like to think nature is more alive as things grow chilly and the colors begin to turn.

I've been in such an art decline lately. I want to paint. Somehow, the creative juices in me simply are not flowing. I want to create and add a whole host of beautiful new listings to my shop. With every inactive day which passes, I feel my success dwindling just a little.
But this isn't the case.

There is a season for everything. This season is one of calm. One of peace. One of memories. The hardest days of pregnancy are ahead of me and I begin to feel their effects. But I can not complain one bit for there is something surreal and comforting to feel the little baby inside me, eager to get out and meet his big brother! My son just turned one and as the weeks trickle by steadily, he grows. He learns new sounds and says new words. Just yesterday he said "papa" for the first time quite audibly. This morning, his new sound is "n." With his 4th tooth budding, I am in for another few days of snuggles, tears, and soft foods for him. While life with an infant is difficult, it is rewarding, as I am so discovering.

So painting can wait. I have been slowly working on a Grizzly Bear per request of my amazing dad- it is a challenge I am quite excited for but equally intimidated by! I have high expectations for this painting (as I usually do when I am creating a commission piece for friends and family.) Needless to say, I am holding my breath to see the outcome of this wild and majestic animal. I will also be making a copy of the pencil outline on the off chance I botch the watercolor end of things...


  1. I find that creativity comes in waves. I am just coming off of a major designing spree but there have been times when working on new pieces was an uphill battle. You'll come around to wanting to paint again soon but it sounds like you are working on a different kind of creation with the new baby on the way and creating memories of your precious baby boy. Enjoy them!

  2. Autumn is my favourite season! I love wearing coats and scarves. I'd love to see your artwork! <3

  3. I am an art lover. Looking forward to seeing your artwork.
