
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Month Of May Sale!

Hey friends!

Here is the Month Of May Sale! Stop by my shop and get your deal now!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Yes To Art!

I have officially entered the most successful season of selling art! In all my two years of business, never have I had such a jump in notice and sales! So of course, I am so thankful to those who tel others about my art and those who purchase form me! Theres something very satisfying about watching people enjoy my art and find beauty in what I create!

I have been practicing some new techniques of blending these last few paintings. I want to learn to shade using colors other than blacks and browns. I realized creating death, dimension, and shadows is less about slapping some black or brow on, and more about using the colors you already have and deepening them. I have a long ways to go in this area, but I know practice makes perfect.

Purchase this Flamboyant Fawn Here

Purchase this Galaxy Wolf Here

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fabulous Autumn

It is no secret that I love Autumn. I blab about it all the time...everywhere.

Therefore, it shall come as no surprise to anyone that I have listed some autumn related Greeting Cards on my Etsy shop! For those of you who might care to take a peek and possibly purchase, I am more than happy to shamelessly offer the link below!

Purchase the Fabulous Fall Trio Here

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Autumn And Bears

There is a pleasant sort of stillness that seems to fall over my life as Autumn settles in. It strikes a strong whimsy chord in me, and I like to think nature is more alive as things grow chilly and the colors begin to turn.

I've been in such an art decline lately. I want to paint. Somehow, the creative juices in me simply are not flowing. I want to create and add a whole host of beautiful new listings to my shop. With every inactive day which passes, I feel my success dwindling just a little.
But this isn't the case.

There is a season for everything. This season is one of calm. One of peace. One of memories. The hardest days of pregnancy are ahead of me and I begin to feel their effects. But I can not complain one bit for there is something surreal and comforting to feel the little baby inside me, eager to get out and meet his big brother! My son just turned one and as the weeks trickle by steadily, he grows. He learns new sounds and says new words. Just yesterday he said "papa" for the first time quite audibly. This morning, his new sound is "n." With his 4th tooth budding, I am in for another few days of snuggles, tears, and soft foods for him. While life with an infant is difficult, it is rewarding, as I am so discovering.

So painting can wait. I have been slowly working on a Grizzly Bear per request of my amazing dad- it is a challenge I am quite excited for but equally intimidated by! I have high expectations for this painting (as I usually do when I am creating a commission piece for friends and family.) Needless to say, I am holding my breath to see the outcome of this wild and majestic animal. I will also be making a copy of the pencil outline on the off chance I botch the watercolor end of things...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Learning To Promote

Lately I have found myself very interested in exploring different avenues of self-promotion. The usual "follow this link" or "my art is unique because..." has proven itself useless and I am truly not surprised! I myself never pay any attention to those.

Thus creativity is called upon (which should be no problem for me, right?)

Ample advise has been given to me from the Etsy community to ensure without a shadow of a doubt that I am doing well. My sales show that I am considered successful for someone in their first years as an Etsy Seller. the feedback left from past customers are nothing but beaming reviews and the comments from potential buyers about my artwork are the same.

I am left with one conclusion to describe the inactivity of myself these past months: I need to build more of a following and create a larger community for myself.

I haven't the slightest idea how I ought to go about that. Seeing as my methods are often untraditional, I am afraid it shall be that way in this case as well. I have heard quite often about branding and marketing. I am bent towards thinking I need to dedicate more time to those approaches. Additionally, I believe my best chances at building an audience hinges greatly on my ability to be diligent with the audience I already have. Continue to keep them informed and interact, build friendships and hopefully some partnerships (find Empire June on Etsy to see some of our collaborations.)

Christmas will be here sooner than I think- it always jumps on me out of no where! Keeping this in mind, I am determined to spend the next few weeks working on holiday themed paintings and greeting cards in hopes that they will catch a holiday shopper's eyes! Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Just Acorn

 Located cozily at home in England, you will find a very talented mother. Barbara, creator of Just Acorn, a sweet mother of one beautiful little girl, spends her free hours creating lovely woodland animals for our children to love and snuggle for years to come.

Just Acorn was founded after years of Barbra loving the arts (sewing, working with clay.) When her daughter was born, she found she could use her love of sewing to create beautiful creatures, unique each in their own way, meant to be loved by a child.

Her social media sites and Etsy shop reflect a whimsical and natural feel (things she loves deeply.) Even the briefest of visits to these sites displaying her thoughtful touch will leave you feeling like a child yourself. Visit her at the following places to order your own doll to adore, or to keep up with her fabulous life! I know for a fact that I myself will be keeping up with this truly mesmerizing little shop- goodness knows I have two babies who love their animals!
Best of luck, Barbra, and thank you for sharing your beauty and life with all of us! I wish you the most success and happiness with your business and continue making those sweet, snuggly animals- there aren't enough wholesome and comforting children's items like this in the world!